In Dawson we met a couple who were riding two up on GS and they were planning on doing the same route as us. After sharing the Sour Toe experience we planned to cross the Top of the World Highway together, a 50 mile dirt road that winds up and over some magnificent mountains and crosses in to the US border. Joe and FLora LLoyd are making a film about their journey through Canada, as a motorcycle film duo they are capturing the essence of motorcycle travels and were fantastic to listen to and share stories. I highly recommend their films. You never know you may even glimps us in the back ground.. Check them out at: http://www.openfilm.com/users/curbsyde/
After crossing on the ferry we headed up the hill on Tarmac and were soon on winding roads that were a joy to ride and then the tarmac ends and your doing 50 mph with a plume of dust pirouetting off your rear tire..The mountains in the back ground top the whole experience off, I felt like a real adventure rider.. Taz was going for it, great speed and confidence, for some one who hasn't passed her test long she was here, ripping up this adventure road...
Joe and Flora were amazing on the dirt even two up we struggled to keep up, a testament to their skill and experience. When I grow up want to be that good.
Over the US border and on to Alaska!
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