After crossing the border we landed in a tourist town called Invamere. We drove through an array of shops in search for a cheap motel. We noticed a couple of motorcycles and their riders on the side of the kerb, the customary wave and we continued our nightly search for the cheapest motel we could get. We stopped, myself doing the intricate negotiation and my sad story of poor motorcyclist on a very long trip so we need the cheapest room you have please. Eventual the receptionist bent to my jedi powers of persuasion and we got a cheap room, in triumph I headed out to tell Taz, who is chatting to one of the bikers we had passed. He introduced himself and explained he had offered us a room in his holiday home after explaining he was not "an axe murderer" We refused but continued chatting and then we decided to go for it. I went back into negotiations with the motel receptionist and scored a refund. We followed our new friend (Dean) back down to the shops and the others in his party. Cameron, June and Chantelle. Cameron (Cam) and Dean had been riding in the mountains and were then heading back. We followed and we were greeted as VIP guests into a very large and plush summer house in the mountains. After a home cooked meal (fantastic) we hit the natural hotspings on the hill at the back of their chalet. It is amazing that complete strangers will take you into their home, feed you and treat you like honored guests; Its the motorcycle adventurer thing. As motorcyclist who had completed a trip to Alaska we chatted over exotic drinks and cocktails sharing stories. We had a fantastic night with host second to none. If your reading this Dean ( Russia is calling!) Thanks guys...
Glad you guys are having such a good time.
I'm not in the slightest bit jealous. No, really. Not one bit.
you smug little buggers you....
Have a great and trouble free trip.
Thank you for making us famous!! We finally made front page "blog" news. Hope you've had no more rain.
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