We left the Caribou Inn around 10 am to avoid the sea ice fog, there was still a heavy fog around the bay, with temperatures around freezing. A little tired and nervous about the return trip we slowly inched our way out of the safety of the Camp ( camp is a term they use for a temporary settlement, even though they have been there for years and there are nearly 7000 people there at any given time. We knew there was deep mud and then deep gravel to contend with as we had passed there only 12 hours before. The mud/ calcium had dried somewhat and was not a problem and the stones were the same but our new found confidence and skills fueled us and we drove quicker and more confidently. Our MOJO was so strong we even started to look for deeper stones so we could drift the back of the bikes more. We must of been a strange sight two motorcyclist stood up on their pegs screaming with delight shooting up the haul road. In what felt like no time we were through the Atigun Pass and arrived in Cold Foot. We met some other bikers Mike Twist and David Owe, who had been right behind us all the way, had a bight to eat and then got a room for the night. The following morning we ambled around like off road gods. Our Kung Fu was strong! Back on the Haul Road we sped to the Yukon River Bridge were we stopped briefly for lunch and then continued to push on. We felt like heros, we were nearly at the end, safe in the knowledge we had done the worst parts......... Then the rain came, I mean landed. It rained so hard we couldn't even see. The track we were on became a moving river of mud. The last section had been dug over to be worked on which made our passage even harder. In my head I laughed at the fact the the Dalton wanted us to know it had let us through, graced us with its good nature, because if it had rained like this the whole way it would of been a thousand times harder... Eventually we landed on tarmac, lightening struck the near by hills and we made the best speed we could in a torrential down pour. Arriving in FairBanks both Taz and I were full of joy and very wet. We had completed the challenge and had enjoyed it. Thank you Dalton for being so nice to us we know it could of been worse. We called in at Dan and Shawn's place to tell them our stories with time to dry out clean the bikes and get a room back at the Uni.