We headed north, into the rain clouds and mountain pass. Light rain, and strong winds made it feel like Scotland. I love Scotland, strange but i really enjoyed this leg of the journey, moody mountains and empty roads. We eventual pulled off the road and dropped into a tiny village with an authentic old saloon stye buildings: very different from Scotland. We booked into the General Store which also happened to be the only place for a room in the area. Everyone was really friendly; they had lived there for all there lives and had history going back to the 1700,s. Most of them had been Outfitters or trappers and new the place like the back of their hand. On the walls were Bear skins, the uninvited visitors to the town! Outside our room window was the saloon which is now a Cafe called "The Stray Bullet". Named after the bullet imbedded in the wall after a little disagreement in it saloon days.. In the middle of the square was the site of the Hang Mans Tree, now thankfully gone but was still in use up to 30 years ago! The sun came out and we headed to the town bar for food. As we walked in the room went quite and then from behind the bar " hi there, welcome! would you like a drink" A very friendly place.. Just like Scotland.... Population: people 50 dogs 100....
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Great to talk to you earlier - will skype you soon xx
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